
In order to appreciate the Joseph story as the masterpiece that it is we must introduce you to a concept with which most of you probably are not familiar. Ancient writers and rhetoricians loved to use a literary structure that in modernity has come to be called the “chiasm,” referring to the Greek letter “chi” (our letter X). A chiastic figure of speech is a… Read more »

Literary and Theological Beauty in the Joseph Story

Where in the Bible is Poetry


Eight parallel patterns that constitute the Joseph story (Genesis 37 – 50) ​Like a artist, let’s step back from the story a bit to consider what constitutes the Joseph story: Joseph in the house of his father Joseph in the hands of his brothers Judah’s temptation and response ​Joseph’s temptation and response ​Joseph interprets two dreams of his prison mates ​Joseph interprets two dreams of… Read more »

All Theology is Poetry

Where in the Bible is Poetry


Poetry is fundamental to the nature of man as a creature The representation of the transcendent realm of God within the immanent world of man is accomplished by means of metaphor, the most fundamental figure of speech. When the Bible describes God as a Father, or a Good Shepherd, or a Dove, it speaks metaphorically. When we hear about the windows of heaven opening up… Read more »

New Testament Hermeneutics and Poetics

Where in the Bible is Poetry


Protestant biblical theology requires a rigorous historical as well as grammatical exegetical approach and a disciplined typological method. – J. I. Packer The greatest crisis in the early life of the apostolic church was clearly the challenge to the gospel of free grace represented by the Judaizers, the controversy which necessitated the first ecumenical council at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-3). Paul’s epistle to the Galatians represents… Read more »