Posts Tagged: Creation


Christ as the Completed Vision of Biblical Typology Genesis begins with God creating a binary world.10 The account in Genesis 1–2 comprehends God and man, heaven and earth, man and woman, good and evil, life and death, the beginning and the end.11 Later in the Genesis record a final binary will be introduced, namely, Jew and Gentile (Gen 17).12 We can display the horizons of… Read more »

All Theology is Poetry

Where in the Bible is Poetry


Poetry is fundamental to the nature of man as a creature The representation of the transcendent realm of God within the immanent world of man is accomplished by means of metaphor, the most fundamental figure of speech. When the Bible describes God as a Father, or a Good Shepherd, or a Dove, it speaks metaphorically. When we hear about the windows of heaven opening up… Read more »

The Presuppositions of a Christian Biblical Theology We have said that the purpose of a biblical theology is to articulate the unity of the biblical canon centered in the person of Jesus Christ. Such a project is not an abstract enterprise for theological scholars. Rather, it is intended to set forth the biblical kerygma, or the proclamation of Jesus’ suffering and glory. This is so… Read more »

The Apostolic Interpretation of the Creation of Woman

Where in the Bible is Resurrection

(Genesis 2:18-24) We begin with Paul’s magnificent reading of Moses’ account of the creation of Eve. In his Ephesian letter Paul describes the privilege of the Christian husband to imitate Christ’s own sacrificial love in his relationship to his wife. “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Eph 5:25). The apostle derives his doctrine from the… Read more »

The Eschatological Third Day in Christ’s Gospel

Where in the Bible is Resurrection

The prominence of the “third day” in the Lord’s eschatological expectation is widely attested in the gospels. Jesus almost always associates his resurrection with the third day, and he begins by announcing the third day as the day of his triumph when he addresses the scribes and Pharisees about the prophetic significance of Jonah’s three days and nights in the belly of the great fish… Read more »